

What is the benefit of the greed of a great man?

What is the benefit of the greed of a great man?

        As Narada once heard in Parameshwara. What is the benefit of the bigotry? That ..

       Then Lord Shiva shows you a fertilizer worm that is in the middle of the earth, and hear it. It says so.

        Narada said okay, stand in front of the worm and say goodbye. Then the manure looked upon the worm, and, upon seeing it, immediately died. Bored nervous people came to Lord Shiva and told him what happened.

Then Lord Shiva, don't worry I will tell you one more idea. Ask. In a few moments, the parrot will give birth to a baby in the bird's nest on the edge of the mango tree.

The fibers went out and saluted the parrot, who had just given birth. The parrot came to life with them.

Lord Shiva offered another idea to let the angry Narada return to Shiva again.

        Look at a barn in the distance and in a few moments a cow will give birth to a calf, which will relieve your suspicions. The Naras, who left with a heartfelt greeting, greeted the newborn calf. The calf was already dead.

Shiva still told him a trick. Show and see a prosperous state. In a few moments, the queen of that state will have a baby.

The Narada were scared, "No lord, all of them insects and animals. He is dead.

       Lord Shiva is full of courage and this time it will never be. And he said, Go. Maheshwara's words were unmistakable, and the noisy mornings were slowly making their way into the palace, the voice of "Salutations Mahamuni" from the cradle.

       Surprised fibers spoke to the newborn who had just been born, to go to the cradle. The nervous, nervous moment, asked the child, "What is the benefit of the wrath of the elders?" That is.

The child said to them, "You came to me when I was a manure worm. I was born of a parrot in your grave. Yet you were born to me in the grave. .

The Narada realized the benefits of the Mahatma Darshan and saluted Lord Shiva.

       True. Adult companionship may not be important to us at that moment. But surely we will benefit from the wrath of those gentlemen.

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